Monday, November 19, 2012

My Virtual City Observatory...

Things we see, small they may be, make us ask questions, make us wonder why and sometimes how....

  1. Sewage drains are placed without conforming to the larger layout and vice versa such that they end up in the middle of the road or pavement or right next to a shop making it painful for all the users.
  2. Pre, during and post monsoon disease control (malaria) rounds by the Delhi municipality officials to institutions and houses does not include a visit to their own offices to make sure blocked sewage and storm water drains, garbage dump sites and 2 inches deep drains collecting dirty water are also cleaned up.
  3. Some of the designated garbage dump sites do not even have a picket fence to make sure that dogs and cows don't drag the garbage out.
  4. The Pilots of Goa are so unique to the cities in Goa and so much a part of the citizen's lives. Surprisingly, one wouldn't find them in any other state and if they were to be introduced would they last this long?
  5. The planned cities with all their grid/radial/mixed layouts will accommodate any space for animals in the city. Does this make us exclusive, looking out to a certain extent only for humans and not the other living creatures? 
  6. If the ghats and hills and mountains in our cities are cut down to make golf courses, for extracting building materials, terrace farming and making space for grand houses and hotels then would we eventually end up not enjoying that what is so unique about the area.
  7. We have streetlights in the center of the road that light up the roads beautifully and why in other cases they are hidden under trees on the sides. Is this a problem of wiring and electric lines or funds or just a matter of priorities and lack of interest?
  8. The Bandra staion in Mumbai is a labyrinth of skywalks and foot over bridges in the railway station and though not appealing to the eye is probably most helpful to the pedestrian traffic in perpetual hurry not having to fight against the vehicular traffic for a certain stretch.
  9. All transformers I have seen in Sadasvhivanagar and New Bel Road in Bangalore keep sparking away  and burst regularly. Is it a visual show of how inadequate the supply-demand situation for electricity exists or a matter of poor built infrastructure?
  10. Sewage drains can be 2+ inches below the road/pavement level becoming speed-breakers to road and foot traffic. Was it planned on purpose?

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